Charcoal Briquettesfrom Coconut Coir
coconut coir, charcoal briquettes, starch pasteAbstract
This research investigated the utilization of coconut coir waste from agriculture residues to produce charcoal briquettes from the coconut coir. Starch paste was used as binder agent. The purposes were to studythe suitableratio and the properties of the coconut coir to form briquettes. The proportions of coconut coir and starch paste of 5 ratios were as follows; 1) 40:50 2) 45:50 3) 50:50 4) 55:50 and 5) 60:50 by weight. In the research methods, thecharcoal burning coconut coirwasprepared, then the charcoal briquettes from coconut coir using starch paste as a binder agentwere fabricated. The properties of the charcoal briquetteswere tested.The resultsshowedthat only 3 of all ratios were able to form; 2nd,3rdand 4th. The 4thproportion was the most appropriate for developing as charcoal briquettes from the coconut coir.The physical appearances of the charcoal briquettes from coconut coir were smooth and black. The average moisture content of 4% was compliant with standard criteriaofThaiCommunity Product Standard. The averageofdensity was 0.16 g/cm3.The shatter index was 0.79.The briquette combustion time was 210 minutes,which was the longest combustion time.The charcoal briquettes couldbe practically used and were convenient for carrying.
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