Analysis of the risk of death in road traffic accidents using data miningtechniques


  • Puntira Matiya
  • Poommarat Yoosuk
  • Supaporn Bundasak


accidents, road traffic, data mining, forecasting


The purpose of this research was to analyze the risk of death to compare the appropriateness of the predictor with the research dataandto be a guideline for accident preventiontoencourage the death rate to decrease.By collecting data from the accident reporting system of the Ministry of Transport,data for analysis from 13 April 2021 -31 March 2022 20 features 12,500 datawere used.By using four models of data mining techniques, which weredecision tree, Naïve Bayes, K-nearest neighbors, and support vector machine.The results showed that the most suitable technique for information was the Naïve Bayeswith 75%


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How to Cite

Matiya, P. ., Yoosuk, P. ., & Bundasak, S. . (2024). Analysis of the risk of death in road traffic accidents using data miningtechniques. Academic Journal of Science and Technology, Dhonburi Rajabhat University, 1(1), 89–102. retrieved from



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