Analysis of the Effectivenessof Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs forPost-open Heart Surgery Patients at Naresuan University Hospital
Cardiac Rehabilitation,Open Heart Surgery, Six Minute Walk TestAbstract
The objectiveof the analysisofthe effectsof cardiac rehabilitation programsforpost-open Heart Surgery patients at Naresuan University Hospital was to study the effectiveness of the cardiac rehabilitation programafter the surgery. Inthis retrospective study, the data source was the medical records of all 125 and 96 post-open heart surgery patientswho received cardiac rehabilitation at Naresuan University Hospital in 2020 and 2021. The results oftheprogram with a 6-minute walk test showed that male patientscould walklonger distance than female patientswith an average distance of 337 meters. The patients who wereunder 40 years old could walkwiththe longestdistance with an average distance of 342 meters. The patients who didnot have chronic diseases gained an average distance of 338 meters, whichmore than those with chronic diseases.The patientswith heart valve diseases couldwalk with an average distance of 383 meters, which more than those with coronary artery diseases.The patientswho had heart valve surgery could walk with an average distance of 375 meters,more than those who had coronary artery surgery.
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