Development of theMeeting Room Booking Application


  • Bunnawat Chanthep
  • Juthamas Siriangkulvanich
  • Soawanee Prachayagringkai
  • Lucksana Romyasamit


mobile application, JAVA, room booking system


The aims of this research were 1) to design and develop the meeting room booking application,2) to evaluate application performance, and 3) to evaluate the user satisfaction. Data were collected frompersonnel of Dhonburi Rajabhat University, Samut Prakanas guidelines for designing the application.The research was conducted according to the 6steps of the system development life cycle.The application was developed using JAVAand Android Studio. Database was managed by MySQL Server.Then, the application performance was evaluated by 15 experts from purposive selection and the user satisfaction was evaluated by 72 users from purposive selection. The results of the research were as follows:1) the application design had 7 related functions: membershipregistration, personal information management, meeting room bookingmanagement, booking type information management, meeting room schedulemanagement, room booking informationverification, and issuing of related reports. The application users are dividedinto 2groups–system administratorsand people who want to book the meeting room,2) the overall evaluation of application performance was at a high level (3.99±0.53) and 3) the overall evaluation of user satisfaction was at a high level (3.58±0.50).In conclusion, the meeting room booking application developed by the researcherswaseffective,could be used practically,and met the user's needs.


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How to Cite

Chanthep, B. ., Siriangkulvanich, J. ., Prachayagringkai, S., & Romyasamit, L. . (2024). Development of theMeeting Room Booking Application. Academic Journal of Science and Technology, Dhonburi Rajabhat University, 1(2), 165–184. retrieved from



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