Author Guidelines

International Journal of Agricultural Technology (IJAT) is an open access journal and peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research articles, short communications and reviews in the field of agricultural and biological sciences and related fields. IJAT is a double-blind peer-review journal and online published journal for scientific papers in all fields of agriculture and related fields. Research article, review papers and short communication are welcome to be published. Manuscript to be submitted should have an average of 10-20 pages in IJAT Format. The submitted manuscript must be English- edited and shall be preliminary evaluated by some senior researchers. The authors can suggest reviewers to evaluate their manuscripts. Publication is opened to all persons and must pay publication charge after evaluation and accepted for publication.

IJAT-Template (Word)
IJAT-Template (PDF)

General Instructions

· Manuscript must be followed IJAT format and online submitted on website ( with English language edited certificate.

· The template of manuscript can be downloaded from the web site at this page.

· Page size of 21.6 × 28 cm (8.5 × 11 inches), leave 4 cm margin on all sides, Text in Times New Roman 12 Font, single-space throughout are required. All paragraphs should be indented and justified aligned, except tables that should be left aligned.

· The content should be set out into five major sections: (i) Abstract; (ii) Introduction; (iii) Materials and methods; (iv) Results; (v) Discussion, in most circumstances. Acknowledgements, Conflicts of interest, References should be followed in order.

Title: The title of the paper should be concise and informative. It should be written clearly and concisely describing the contents of the research

Abstract: Abstract must be stated the result. It is no needed to write the objective, methods and experimental design. The abstract should be written as a single paragraph and not more than 300 words.

Keywords: The keywords should be avoiding general and plural terms and multiple concepts. Do not use words or terms in the title as keywords. These keywords will be used for indexing purposes. Keywords should not more than 5 words and phrases in alphabetical order.

Introduction: The background information, statement of problem or research finding, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results. Explain how you identify the problem with references cited.  Introduction must be written approximately between 750 to 1000 words. State the objectives of the work.

Materials and methods: It should be stated time and place of research. The experimental design, treatments, replication, and statistical analysis. Materials and methods must be stated for each experimental paets and be written approximately 500 to 800 words.

Results: Result must be explained clearly with statistical analysis.  Writing the output of the experiments, model or computation in each part. This part is no needed to express your opinion or interpretation including stated Tables and/or Figures.

Tables and Figures: All tables and Figures are to be numbered using Arabic numerals. Tables and figures should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order. For each table or figure, please supply a caption (title) explaining the components of the table or figures. Footnotes to tables and figures should be indicated by superscript lower-case letters.

Discussion: The discussion part, it would be compared your result with the other research works with reference cited.  Compare your results that as same as others or contradict to the other with references cited. Recommendation, suggestion, comment, and summary must be included in the last paragraph.

Acknowledgements: Acknowledgments of people, grants, funds, etc. should be placed in this section. The names of funding organizations should be written in full.

Conflicts of interest: Conflicts of interest must be declared by the authors in the International Journal of Agricultural Technology (IJAT). Authors should disclose any potential conflicts of interest which could influence the published research article including financial, personal and institutional affiliations to maintain the integrity of review and decision-making processes. In the manuscript, authors should explicitly state any conflicts of interest or declare "The authors declare no conflict of interest" if applicable.

References: The referenced documents (including citations in tables and legends) should be listed individually at the end of the manuscript and sorted alphabetically. All references must be in English, if reference document is in other languages, the author must translate them into English. Sample references as bellow:


Journal articles

Abdin, M. Z. and Ilah, A. (2007). Plant regeneration through somatic embryogenesis from stem and petiole explant of chicory (Cichorium intybus L). Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 6:250-255.


Vasseur, J., Dubois, J., Hilbert, J. L. and Couillerot, J. P. (1995). Somatic embryogenesis in chicory (Cichorium species). In: Bajaj YS ed. Biotechnology in agriculture and forestry, Berlin, Springer Verlag, pp.125-137.

International conference

Yeung, E. C., Aitken, J., Biondi, S. and Thorpe, T. A. (1981). Somatic embryogenesis from Coffea callus and protoplast. VIth International Conference of Plant Tissue and Cell Culture, Minneapolis, MN, 137 p.


Malapit, G. (2001). Low Temperature PECVD Diamond and DLC Thin Films. (Master Thesis). University of the Philipines Diliman, Philippines.

Online document

Clay, R. (2008). Science vs ideology: Psychologists fight back about the misuse of research. Monitor on Phychology 39(6). Retrieved from

· Commonly used abbreviations are as follows: (i) volume: ml; (ii) length: km; (iii) concentration: M; (iv) weight: kg; (v) temperature: ℃; (vi) others: Fig., Figs. Months are not abbreviated.

· Take all symbols from symbol (normal text) in MS Word, unless not available.

· Words of non-English origin, like in vivo, et al., ibid. and scientific names should be italicized.

· Brackets are used in the following order: {level 3 [level 2 (level 1)]}.

· Citation of nomenclatural authorities for taxa is optional except for taxonomic papers. For abbreviation of authors’ names, use Kirk and Ansell, Authors of scientific names, 1992.

· Multiple references cited in text should be in chronological order, while multiple references from the same year are cited in alphabetical order. Where there are three or more authors, cite the first name only in text, adding et al. for all citations (Armstrong, 2000; Bell and Bell, 2000; Armstrong et al., 2002a, b, 2003).

· References in reference list should be in ascending order of authors’ names first, followed by year. Journal names and book titles should be spelled in full form. References for self-citation must not be over 20 %.

· Figures must be mounted on cardboard and fit a maximum of 20 cm height by 13.5 wide including space for the legend after reduction. Figures should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numbers, and in the order that they are referenced in the text. Add a cover sheet to protect each plate. Write author’s name and figure number on the cover sheet. The original artwork will not be returned to the authors.

· If figures are submitted as electronic files they must be composed into plates. Single photographs that need mounting together are not acceptable. Electronic figures must be captured at or above 600 dpi resolution.

· Please note that all papers are peer reviewed. Plagiarism of manuscript must less than 30 % similarity. Plagiarism is presenting work or ideas from another source as your own, with or without consent of the original author, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement. All published and unpublished material, whether in manuscript, printed or electronic form, is covered under this definition, as is the use of material generated wholly or in part through use of artificial intelligence (save when use of AI for assessment has received prior authorization). Plagiarism can also include re-using your own work, but re-using your own work (self-citation) with citation should not exceed 20% of the current paper.

· The journal is published online as original copy of six issues a year. IJAT will also publish special issue for papers presented during the International Conference on Integration of Science and Technology for Sustainable Development (ICIST) annually organized by AATSEA. Papers will be subjected to peer-review process same with papers published in regular issues.


Editorial office

· International Journal of Agricultural Technology (IJAT)

Association of Agricultural Technology in Southeast Asia (AATSEA), 2064 Sinthorn On-nuch, Ladkrabang Road, Ladkrabang, Bangkok 10520, Thailand.

Tel: +66 985754995




· Principal Contact

Prof. Dr. Kasem Soytong (Editor-In-Chief)

Association of Agricultural Technology in Southeast Asia (AATSEA)

2064, Sinthorn On-nuch, On-nuch Ladkrabang, Bangkok 10520, Thailand.



· Support Contact

Jiaojiao Song

Association of Agricultural Technology in Southeast Asia (AATSEA)

2064, Sinthorn On-nuch, On-nuch Ladkrabang, Bangkok 10520, Thailand.


Tel: +66 985754995