About the Journal
Aims and scope
International Journal of Agricultural Technology (IJAT) is an open access journal and peer-review published by the Association of Agricultural Technology in Southeast Asia (AATSEA). The journal welcomes papers on fundamental and applied science and technology in agriculture and related fields from worldwide researchers. IJAT publishes original articles, short communications and review articles in English. The subjects include agricultural fields in biological sciences, biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, environmental sciences, biotechnology, economics, extension, engineering, agronomy, animal science, aquaculture, biological control, entomology, food sciences, horticulture, plant pathology, plant sciences, postharvest, rural development, soil science, sustainable agriculture, and related fields.
Publication charges
All accepted manuscripts for publication in IJAT with regards to the proof and publication should be addressed to ijat.publication@gmail.com. The publication charge for all accepted papers is required at 100 US$/ paper after official acceptance or before publication. As a consequence, payment for publication does not influence the peer review process.
Review process
All contributions are peer reviewed using a double-blind review process.
Reproducibility of data
Papers reporting on original research need to show reproducibility of results by being conducted at least twice, or with field experiments, during at least two seasons. For proper statistical analysis three or more replications are necessary.
Publication history and impact
IJAT started publication entitled “Agricultural Technology, An International Journal” during 2005 to 2012 which ISSN 1686-9141; initially two issues were published annually. Title renamed to be a single form as International Journal of Agricultural Technology” which 2630-0192 (Online). From May 2019, IJAT decided to contribute only online published which ISSN 2630-0192. The journal currently publishes six regular issues per year (January, March, May, July, September November). IJAT is indexed in Scopus – SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), Thai-Journal Citation Index (TCI); ASEAN Citation Index (ACI) database; CAB International Full Text database (PDF Files) and SciFinder-Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS).