All manuscript submission will be passed a double-blind peer-review process which the authors and reviewers are anonymous. The review process of manuscripts will be directly carried out by specialists in each field of specialization. The manuscripts will be submitted through ThaiJo system.

  1. Initial evaluation: The submitted manuscript will be initially evaluated by some senior researchers to determine: a) if the manuscript is English-edited by competent English editor , b)  if the  manuscript is covered in the  journal scope and meet the scientific quality standard  of  IJAT, c) if the  manuscript submitted follow  instructions to authors as to format and style of the  journal , and d) if there was  plagiarism over 30%. If any of the metrics (a, b, c, d) is determined, the paper will be sent back to the corresponding author for appropriate actions.
  1. Assignment of reviewers: The editorial board team will select five appropriate reviewers and be assigned to each manuscript reflective of their specialization or research expertise. The reviewers will be blinded to the authors and vice versa. The lists of author names will be removed from the manuscript. The invited reviewers should not come from the same institute/center affiliation.
  1. Review process: The reviewers will evaluate the manuscript based on instructions to authors, experimental design, the replicability of experimental results, statistical analysis and research quality. They can suggest or recommend revising the manuscript as per comments and finally, suggest accepting after revision, or reject the manuscript for publication. 
  1. Revision Process: If the manuscript is recommended to be revised, the manuscript will be returned to the corresponding author to revise as per reviewer’s comments, suggestions. The author will then return the revised version to the system for further evaluation.
  1. Decision: The editor-in-chief shall make the final decision to accept, revise and / or reject the manuscript based on the evaluation of reviewers.

  2. Publication: If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the corresponding author shall be notified to pay the publication fee and submit payment document to the system. The final version will be sent to the corresponding author to confirm publication and for final proofreading.