Intestinal histology and Infiltration of intestinal eosinophils of the Golden tree snake Chrysopelea ornata (Shaw, 1802)
Eosinophilic granulocyte, Histology, Intestine, Golden tree snake, ThailandAbstract
The appearance of eosinophilic granulocytes in the gastrointestinal tract of vertebrates often occurs as a physiologic response to chronic inflammation, but such information of Chrysopelea ornata (Shaw, 1802), as a common wild-snake in Thailand, probably remained unanswered. The current study aimed to describe the intestinal histology and infiltration of eosinophilic granulocyte (EC) of C. ornata using the Periodicacid–Schiff (PAS) staining method. All snakes [n = 3 individual snakes with 61.02±0.83 cm of the average snout-vent length (SVL)] were collected from Khohong Hill, Songkhla, Thailand. The intestines were kept and processed by using the standard histological techniques. This snake's intestinal histology revealed a variety of intestinal fold distinctions. Its wall clearly is composed of four distinct layers including 1) mucosa with lining two sub-layers (simple columnar epithelium and lamina propria), 2) submucosal connective tissue, 3) muscularis with patterning smooth muscle, and 4) serosa. The abundance and infiltration of EC were identified in both mucosa and submucosa. It should be noted that the mucosal layer was more abundant in the intestinal epithelium than in the lamina propria. Each EC had an oval shape, an eccentrically situated oval-nucleus, and contained PAS-positive granules. Our understanding of the basic biology of the snake intestine suggested that it could be also associated with chronic intestinal inflammation.
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