High Polyphenols, Total Flavonoids and Anti-oxidant Content of the Local Vegetables in Naradhiwas Province
Local vegetables, Polyphenol, Flavonoid Anti-oxidantAbstract
Naradhiwas Province is an area with high biodiversity, especially local vegetables that are served for daily meals such as Spicy Rice Salad with Vegetable or Khao Yum and ready-cooked meals. However, negligible scientific knowledge is available about the bioactive compounds in local vegetables. This study aims to identify polyphenols, flavonoid contents, and anti-oxidant activity of the local vegetables in the area of Naradhiwas province. Ten local vegetables were collected and repeatedly washed before drying in a hot oven. The dried leaves were later ground into powder, and crude methanolic extracts were performed using a rotary evaporator and freeze dryer for removal of water molecule. The methanolic extracts were thereafter used to analyze polyphenol compounds by the Folin-Ciocalteu Colorimetry method. The local vegetables with high polyphenols content were selected for total flavonoid content and anti-oxidant activity analysis. Two species of local vegetables showed significantly higher total flavonoid contents and anti-oxidant activity. This investigation will lead us to advance research in the production of high value innovations from local vegetables.
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