Cadmium Content in Squid, Cockle and Baby Clam Sold in the Market in Muang Narathiwat Municipality, Narathiwat Province


  • Saluma Samanman
  • Fateehah Yanya
  • Supat Srisawat
  • Saroh Niyomdecha


Cadmium, Squid, Cockle, Baby clam, Fresh Market, Narathiwat


This study aimed to analyse cadmium content in squids (Loligo duvauceli), cockles (Anadara granosa) and baby clams (Paphia undulates) sold in the market in Muang narathiwat municipality, Narathiwat province. These markets are Balehile, Bangnak and Muang narathiwat municipality fresh market. The obtained data is useful to evaluate health risk of the consumers. Fifteen squids, four cockles and two baby clams were collected and sample preparation was performed by dry-ashing digestion method. The squid sample was separated in four parts which were tentacles, eyes, funnels and funnel locking cartilages, while the cockles and baby clams were analyzed as a whole tissue. The cadmium content was determined using flame atomic absorption spectrometer (flame AAS). The cadmium level was detected in 13 squid samples. The inner funnel parts showed the highest cadmium value compared to the other parts of the sample, whereas the 11 samples exceeded the limit of 1.0 mg/kg permitted by EU (2006). All cockle samples were contaminated with cadmium, however  it does not exceed an acceptable limits. The contamination of cadmium in baby clams was not found. Therefore, this work highlights that squid consumption has a higher risk for cadmium contamination, especially in the funnel parts. Although the contamination levels were lower in cockles; a regular consumption could lead to the long-term health problems.


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How to Cite

Samanman, S., Yanya, F., Srisawat, S., & Niyomdecha, S. (2023). Cadmium Content in Squid, Cockle and Baby Clam Sold in the Market in Muang Narathiwat Municipality, Narathiwat Province. Pridiyathorn Science Journal, 1(1), 40–51. retrieved from



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