Ethnobotany and Carbon Sequestration of Binya (Mangifera caesia Jack) in Yarang District, Pattani Province


  • Pongpang Suksupan Princess of Naradhiwas University
  • Nureeran Thipmad
  • Suphaporn Tesvichian
  • Sutthiratana Khaopakro
  • Poohrawind Sanit


Binya, Ethnobotany, Carbon sequestration


The ethnobotany of Binya (Mangifera caesia Jack) in Yarang District, Pattani Province, Thailand was studied from May 2018 to July 2019.  This research aimed to study the usage of Binya, size of Binya tree and Binya fruits in Yarang district, the species diversity of plants in the Binya study area and carbon sequestration in Binya trunk, through a focus group with 3 people generations; 0 - 30, 31- 55 and 56 years old and over by 10 persons per group, an interview, and the measurement of 11 sample plots. Each plot was 30 × 10 meters.  The result shows that most Binya trees were in the home garden multi culture system. Some on a para rubber plantation and in a cemetery. Binya mostly acted as the biggest tree in the area. People between 56 and 90 years old were the one who knew the usages of Binya as fruits for foods and trunks for wood. Secondly, people between 30-55 years old and finally, people under 30 years old. There was myth along over 30 years old people about its skin poisonous resin which is relevant to allergy symptoms. Its name was the past Yarang community name and some road names. From the 11 Binya studied trees, the average height was 37.22 meters (23.31 – 46.78), the average canopy width was 17.12 meters (13.00 – 26.60) and the average chest-height trunk diameter 289.09 centimeters (170.00 – 500.00). The Shannon Wieners index was between 0.6647 and 2.7260, the species richness was between 3 and 17 species, and the Pielou’s evenness Index: E) was between 0.5419 and 1.0330, with a density of 0.11 (0.06 – 0.26) individuals/m2, and a frequency of 23.50 (2.00 – 100.00) percent Binya trees could sequester carbon around0.6354 (0.0843 - 1.6214) tons of carbon. Therefore, Binya is a myth tree, edible fruit, trunk usage and carbon sequestrated tree in the homegarden system. 


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How to Cite

Suksupan, P., Thipmad, N. ., Tesvichian, S., Khaopakro, S., & Sanit, P. . (2024). Ethnobotany and Carbon Sequestration of Binya (Mangifera caesia Jack) in Yarang District, Pattani Province. Pridiyathorn Science Journal, 3(1), 1–26. Retrieved from



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