Optimization of Pretreatment and Hydrolysis Process of Pineapple Peels and Sugarcane Bagasse using Physiochemical Method


  • Piyaporn Wangsirikul -
  • Saimah Masa
  • Fatimah Sama


pretreatment, pineapple peel, sugarcane bagasse, hydrolysis


The suitable conditions for the pretreatment of pineapple peels and sugarcane bagasse, prior to treatment, pineapple peels had quantities of cellulose 71.50 %, lignin 5.00 %, hemicellulose 56.75 %, while sugarcane peels had quantities of cellulose 79.50 %, lignin 13.00 %, hemicellulose 82.75 %. Pretreatment was done using sodium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid, and ammonium sulfate. The results showed that pretreatment of pineapple peel with 2 % sodium hydroxide will result in 91.50 % cellulose, 4.00 % lignin, 95.25 % holocellulose which is the highest amount of cellulose after pretreatment. Sugarcane bagasse pretreated with 2 % hydrochloric acid will have a cellulose of content 85.00 %, lignin 10.00% and holocellulose 88.75 %. The raw materials are pretreated and digested to reduce using chemical and physical methods. The results showed that the pineapple peel using 1 % sulfuric acid combined with an autoclave for 40 minutes had the highest reduction amount (26,273.35 mg/ml). The sugarcane bagasse was hydrolyzed with 1 % sulfuric acid and sonicated for 40 minutes, the highest amount of reducing sugar was obtained (1,957.80 mg/ml).


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How to Cite

Wangsirikul, P., Masa, S. ., & Sama, F. (2024). Optimization of Pretreatment and Hydrolysis Process of Pineapple Peels and Sugarcane Bagasse using Physiochemical Method. Pridiyathorn Science Journal, 3(1), 57–69. retrieved from https://li04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/psj/article/view/1796



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