Development of Pineapple Sorbet Ice Cream Mixed with Torch Ginger
Development of Pineapple Sorbet Ice Cream Mixed with Torch Ginger
Sorbet, Pineapple, Torch Ginger, AntioxidantAbstract
Torch ginger was a local plant that was popularly grown in Narathiwat Province. It had medicinal benefits, especially antioxidants, so it was increased value to agricultural products. and create new innovative products for consumers. Therefore, this research aimed to develop a pineapple sorbet ice cream product mixed with torch ginger. The ratio between pineapple juice and torch ginger juice which 4 formulas consisted of formula 1 the ratio as 100 : 0 (control), formular 2 the ratio as 97.5 : 2.5, formula 3 the ratio as 95 : 5, and formula 4 the ratio as 92.5 : 7.5. Investigation of the chemical properties, physical properties and sensory evaluation. The results of the study found that the pH values of the 4 formulas were different, that with formula 4 is the highest acidity with an average of 3.46±0.01 due to the high proportion of torch ginger juice. The color analysis was shown differences among the four formulas. Formula 1 (control) was the highest L* and b* values with average values of 41.10±0.05 and 5.88±0.03, respectively, because they were yellowness and brightness values. Corresponds to the color of pineapple ice cream that was not contain of torch ginger juice. The formula 3 was the highest a* (redness) value with average 1.87±0.01 because of the red hue from the torch ginger. There were no significant differences in overrun among the four formulas. The study of melting rate, found that the formula 4 was the lowest. Sensory evaluation results from consumer satisfaction were found that acceptance in terms of appearance, color, aroma, texture, flavor, and overall preference. There was no statistically significant difference, with all formulas being liked moderately to like very much scales. From the suggestion and opinion from the testers, it was found that the tasters decided to choose formula 3 which the ratio of pineapple juice to torch ginger juice was 95 : 5. However considering the solubility properties The most suitable formula was formula 4 with a ratio of pineapple juice to torch ginger juice of 92.5 : 7.5, which melting rate the slowest.
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