A Comparison of Mattayomsuksa II Students’ Learning Achievement in Mathematics on Quadratic Equations being Taught Through CIPPA Model and The Traditional Teaching Method
CIPPA Model, Learning Achievement, Quadratic Equations, Growth ScoreAbstract
The purposes of this study was to compare students’ learning achievement in mathematics mathayomsuksa II students who were taught through CIPPA model and the traditional teaching method. The subject were 34 mathayomsuksa II students of Darulfurqan school, Narathiwat in the second semester of 2020 academic year obtained from purposive sampling for 2 classrooms and was used to separate students into 2 groups of one control group and one experimental group. The experimental group was taught through CIPPA model while the control group was taught through traditional teaching method. It tooks 6 hours to learn. The research instruments were learning management plans for the instruction by using CIPPA Model on quadratic equations and a learning achievement test on quadratic equations. The data were analyzed using Independent sample t-test and growth score. The findings were as follows: The mathematics learning achievement of Mathayom Suksa II students who were taught through CIPPA Model on quadratic equations was higher than students who were taught through traditional teaching method at the .01 level of significance and students who were taught through CIPPA Model was a high growth rate. When considering the content of quadratic equations for each item, The findings were as follows; Students can apply their knowledge to solve mathematical problems by factors, completing the square and by using formulas because students can interpret and connect the relationship given by the problem to the question that can be asked.
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